Sunday 14 April 2013

Contractor finance Meeting + The Move

Finance Meeting
Old School Stylish HQ!
Traveled to Bridgwater to meet contractor to discuss finances amongst other things.  Seems like I misjudged contractors concerns; not that I could not pay but the risk that I would not pay.  So all my spreadsheets indicating how monthly payments were to be financed were slightly wide of the mark.  As a private individual of limited means the Contractor does not have enough to 'go for' legally if I decided  not to pay, despite the Contract obliging me to pay with 2 weeks of the monthly certification.

What I have agreed in principle to do is to pay 20% of the build cost into a Escrow account in my name but administered by an independent solicitor who could release money on receipt of a valid Certification if I decided not to pay.  The account is interest bearing and the contractor will pay to set it up because it gives them an absolute guarantee they they will receive timely payments.

Target start date of 6 May will be confirmed this week.

The Move
Following the Contractor meeting continued to Looe in Cornwall to check out potential accommodation for machines and temporary workshop at a friend farm.  Big machine just  fits, with inches to spare so certain operations will be limited but all looking good. 
Back in Bristol; a verbal quotation for moving machines is pretty pricey but there are 4 heavy machines plus a huge crate that I have made up to carry accessories, that will all require craneage.  The crate is so heavy fully loaded that it is impossible to shift so I will try adding some wheels to easily get it to the door!
The garage is complete, after installing an internal diversion to a leaking roof, so now shipping boxes in, SO handy being across the road!
Continuing to pack, drive to the tip,  eBay and Freecycle like crazy trying to get ahead of the game and still need to figure out where some items are going.

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